Sunrise at Lanikai Beach

Sunrise at Lanikai Beach

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Music & Faith Memoir

This year my home church in Lexington, KY is celebrating the 20th year of ministry by the Director of Music, Michael Rintamaa. For about a year now members of the Chancel Choir at the church have been sharing essays about their time at Central, their faith, and how music has been a part of their lives. This week I was asked to share my story, and here it is unedited:

I was born in Lexington at Good Samaritan Hospital, Feb. 12, 1981. Yes, I share my birthday with the great President Lincoln! One of my favorite "musical" stories from my childhood came in those first days of my life. Apparently I had the lowest pitch cry of all the babies in the nursery, and my mom (Peggy Sledd) could easily identify me from down the hall, by the bass already present in my voice. A sign of things to come perhaps?

I went to school at Cardinal Valley Elem, Leestown Middle (6th & 7th grade) Tates Creek Middle (8th grade), and Tates Creek High. I studied Music Education/Percussion at the University of Louisville (Go Big Blue!). I am a fourth-generation member of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and grew up at Central. I was dedicated as a baby, and baptized at the age of 10 by Glynn Burke.

All of my fondest memories as a child involve music. I feel so fortunate to have been exposed to music at an early age at home, school, and church. (That is quickly becoming a rarity in parts of the USA today). At Central I sang in the Childrens Choir, which was then led by Bob Kintner, Betty Rhodes, Diana Deen, Pam Hammonds, & Cecila Wang. Talk about a lot of musical talent in one place! The annual musicals were always (and still are!) one of my favorite parts of Central's Music Ministry. But my favorite music making experience as a child was definitely playing the Orff instruments! I can't help but smile, when I think about how those small little xylophones & metallophones is where I started as a percussionist, and that I now play a similar instrument (the marimba) that weighs over 200 pounds! My dedicated "roadie" at Central, Michael Rintamaa, can back me up on that!

The one song I clearly remember singing as a child was at the age of 10, when four of us boys (in our soprano voices mind you) sang "O Holy Night" for the Christmas Eve services at Central. We nailed it by the way! The 11:00 p.m. Christmas Eve service has been my favorite worship service at Central ever since!

In 1993 I finished elementary school, and therefore aged-out of Children's Choir. Around that same time is when Bob Kintner announced he was retiring as Music Minister at Central. I remember on his final Sunday he closed worship by playing Charles-Marie Widor's "Toccata" from Organ Symphony No. 5. I can still picture Sallie standing next to Bob and turning the pages for him, as the rest of us witnessed the moment with tears in our eyes. Year after year it's been a blessing to hear Michael Rintamaa play this piece at the end of Easter worship. A few times I've made sure I had the best seat in the house....inside the organ chamber! Michael even played the "Toccata" as the Recessional for Teri's and mine wedding!

In Michael's first year as Director of Music at Central I have a feeling that directing the Youth Choir was one of the toughest parts of his job. I'm hoping we didn't make things to difficult on him though! But he did quickly show his BRILLIANCE as a Maestro by having a group of us youth sing the soprano voice"chant" section in the middle of John Rutter's "Magnificat" for his first McDaniel Presentation. I remember being so overwhelmed by the orchestra and choir that morning as I walked up the chancel to sing our thirty seconds of music. I've never been so nervous for a performance in my life, than this first time singing with the Chancel Choir.

I took piano lessons for six years, beginning at the age of 9, with my elementary school music teacher, Sandy Anderson. I also managed to squeeze in a year of playing violin during 4th grade, until I was finally able to join band in 5th grade to start my first of now over 20 years playing percussion. I've been singing in choirs at school and church my whole life. I was really lucky to gracefully survive the two years of adolescence when my voice changed, thanks to the vocal private lessons I took with Bob Kintner at his home. During my high school years I worked along side Stuart Talbert as one of the sound engineers, so I didn't start singing with the Chancel Choir until I was an adult. Which seems crazy, because I feel like I've been a part of it my entire life! I did however begin singing with the MLK Choir as a teenager, and credit my approach towards singing bass to that experience. Even today when singing bass, I find myself asking W.W.J.D? ("What Would Josh Santana Do?")

In addition to the choral ensembles at Central I have played in the Handbell Choir, which started in 1997. After spending 2008-2010 as Choral Director at Providence Christian in Nicholasville it was an honor to come back home to Central and direct the Handbell Choir from 2010-2012. I also led the Wellspring Band and helped organize the Wellspring worship services that took place in 2011 & 2012.

If you were to ask me what is my favorite book my answer would be the "Chalice Hymnal." Seriously! Its one of my treasured possessions. So much so that I have two copies! Its difficult to narrow down a small number of favorites, but four of my favorite hymns (in worship order) are:
"God of the Ages, Whose Almighty Hand" #725
"For the Beauty of the Earth" #56
"In Remembrance of Me" #403
"Ours the Journey" #458

With honorable mention to these seasonal hymns:
"When God Is A Child" #132
"Lift High the Cross" #108
"The Lord's Prayer" #310

Here are four recent faith-based songs that have shaped my faith:
"10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord)" by Matt Redman
"Table of Love" by Andra Moran & Josh Elson
"Divine Romance" by Phil Wickham
"Worlds Apart" by Jars of Clay

As for my favorite choir anthems, I adore the "Kyrie" anthems from Lent and the Spirituals sprinkled throughout the year. But my four favorites would have to be:
"My Shepherd Will Supply My Need" by Mack Wilberg
"Psalm 139" by Allen Pote
"God Is Our Refuge" by Allen Pote
"There Is a Time" by Craig Courtney

With honorable mention to these Advent anthems:
"Mary On A Mountain" by John Carter
"The Jesus Gift" by Gilbert Martin

Two of the anthems used for Maundy Thursday each year also make my list of favorite anthems:
"Thy Will Be Done" by Craig Courtney
"Pie Jesu" by Andrew Lloyd Webber - which as we all know can only be done justice going forward with Anabelle Wright-Gatton and Amanda Balltrip singing the solos.

My two favorite major works are John Rutter's "Magnificat" and "Te Deum."

I've known since the age of 15 that my calling in life was to use my God-given talents to share my faith with others through music. I have had opportunities like counseling church camps and teaching marching bands, but nothing has shaped my faith-journey like the PEOPLE and MUSIC at Central Christian Church. Its been my "home-away-from-home" for as long as I can remember. From summers organizing the music library, to playing marimba in worship, to the endless hours of behind-the-scenes work. I am who I am because of Central.

Amongst the many teachers, ministers, and colleagues throughout my life thus far, no person has influenced me more than Michael Rintamaa. Through his words, actions, and friendship he has taught me so much about music, worship, faith, parenthood, and life! I'm grateful to call him my mentor & best friend!

Since moving to Kailua, Hawaii last June there has not been a single day where I haven't missed Central Christian Church. I know God sent me, Teri, Lorelei, and Ellis here for a reason. I am making & teaching music everyday so far of this year - with even more opportunities on the horizon. You can keep up with my musical doings at:
