Sunrise at Lanikai Beach

Sunrise at Lanikai Beach

Thursday, June 16, 2011

"Thats My Boy!"

I'm a proud dad tonight! My boy is already taking after me and he's not even been born. Teri and I went to "Baby Belly" tonight in order to get a glimpse of our baby boy, Ellis. We had a 4-D ultrasound that we received as part of the Grand Prize from the St. Joseph East Maternity Fair. A 4-D ultrasound is basically a colored video showing us what he is up to inside Teri's stomach. Well... apparently Ellis had his own plans for this evening. We spent 30 minutes with the ultrasound technician, as she tried to wake Ellis up. Yes, that's right my boy was sound asleep and he didn't budge. The sugar rush wore off and he crashed!

Now my personal guess is that normally a baby sleeping wouldn't be much of an issue with ultrasounds, but apparently when Ellis sleeps both of his hands cover his entire face. So we couldn't get a clear look at his handsome face tonight. We did however get some peaks and measurements, and this is where the proud dad moments kicked into gear!

Through this viewing at the greatness of the Teesdale & Beard family genes, we learned that this boy can sleep. The ultrasound technician tried every trick in the book to wake him up and it didn't work. Sound familar mom? Just like his dad! We took this as good news, considering Lorelei has always been a light sleeper.

Despite Ellis' hands hiding his face we did get a sneak-peek at his nose a couple of times. The poor boy looks like he is going to have a nose like his father. We also learned that his legs and his head are both measuring two weeks ahead, which means he has long legs and a big head. Just like his dad! Ellis even took a moment tonight to show us that he has some hair on that big head of his. All the other measurements (including weight and the heart beat) were right on. He weighs 3 lbs 7 oz, and for those of you who may be wondering...the proof that he is a boy is still defintely intact! "That's My Boy!

Since we didn't get the best of luck tonight with the 4D ultrasound we rescheduled the visit for next week, and luckily Teri was still able to keep her hour-long massage for tonight.

To catch you up on where we are with this pregnancy; the due date is September 2, so we are 11 weeks away. Teri has had the beautiful pregnancy glow for about 2 weeks! I have done my honey-do list of moving my office/practice room into our bedroom. The crib & rocking chair are both put together. And the decision has even been made on which Kentucky Basketball poster will go up in his room. So we are ready, right? Well if we needed to be I guess you could say so. We can wait a little longer though. I'm really enjoying this gift of having a second child. My anxiety is nowhere near where it was with Lorelei, and I'm just soaking up the whole experience until he arrives and I look at him face-to-face and say "That's My Boy!"

MUSICAL SUGGESTION: "Lullaby" by Andra Moran

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