Sunrise at Lanikai Beach

Sunrise at Lanikai Beach

Monday, July 11, 2011

Top Twelves of Summer - Part 1 (Drum Corps)

It's been about a month since I last posted a blog. I've had several ideas of what to write about, but actually finding the time to sit down and piece a blog together has been difficult.

Summer is in full swing for us all. Trips to swimming pools, firework celebrations, going to view the latest blockbuster movie hit, cookouts in the backyard with friends & family, and of course vacations to our favorite travel destinations. These are the things that usually define summertime.

But for me it never actually feels like summer until I get the opportunity to experience drum corps. Luckily I finally got my "drum corps fix" the past two days - as the Carolina Crown Drum & Bugle Corps has been rehearsing about 30 minutes away at Eastern Kentucky Unversity. I've spent my last two evenings watching them rehearse and literally "getting my face blown off!" and LOVING IT!

Most everyone who knows me (especially those of you taking the time to read this blog) will defintely know what Drum Corps International is all about. However, if you don't know much about it, just send me a message on facebook and I'll explain more. Or you can check out:

Now, thanks to these last two amazing nights I gained some inspiration and have decided to begin a series of blogs that share my "Top Twelves of Summer." And so keeping with drum & bugle corps, here is my Top Twelve Favorite Drum Corps shows of my time. Enjoy!

1. Blue Devils - 1998

2. Phantom Regiment - 1996

3. Blue Devils - 2007

4. Madison Scouts - 1999

5. Phantom Regiment - 2003

6. Blue Devils - 2003

7. Phantom Regiment - 2010

8. The Cavaliers - 2003

9. The Cadets 2000

10. Phantom Regiment - 2008

11. The Cavaliers - 2002

12. Santa Clara Vanguard - 2009

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