Sunrise at Lanikai Beach

Sunrise at Lanikai Beach

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Drumming Out Fat

"One hour later, you are feeling fabulous. You feel like a rock star. It's challenging, it's exhilarating and you just have a euphoric feeling when you are done drumming. It's something everyone can do."

I've had this thought thousands of times, but never thought of it quite this way. For me it was the days of playing in drumline during high school & college. I always loved drumming "Eights" outside early in the morning during band camp or contest/game days.

Now I have been trying to discover the will to go to a gym regularly and I think I might have found it now. The best of both worlds! Aerobics & Drums!
Burning 400 calories in an hour! What I really like about this is it's great for all ages. Move over Zumba.

Learn about "Drums Alive" & "Beat the Odds" - CLICK HERE

The Most Basic Drum Exercise I Know - "EIGHTS"

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Today's "West Wing" Politics

"I think at this time of year, people look back to 'The West Wing,' because we would like to see that kind of idealized government, and those kind of leaders. And honestly, I think, behind closed doors, our real leaders are more similar to 'The West Wing' people than not."

My favorite tv show of all time is 'The West Wing.' Because 2012 is a presidential election year, I know it won't be long before I will want to go watch a bunch of episodes from all 7 seasons I have on dvd. (I'll be starting with seasons 1 & 7!) My favorite character in 'The West Wing' is speech writer Sam Seaborn, who is portrayed by actor Rob Lowe. I don't plan to ever be a politician, but who knows. If I did though I would want to be as eloquently spoken and creative as Sam Seaborn.

Rob Lowe is very active & vocal in politics, and I love when he makes references to 'The West Wing.' So I couldn't pass up the opportunity to share this article from the Huffington Post:

Rob Lowe On 'The West Wing,' Obama & Politics - CLICK HERE!!

Be sure to follow me on Twitter @cteesdale

Ben Sollee - "A Few Honest Words"

Monday, January 9, 2012

Paper Publications

Everyone knows that newspapers, magazines, and books are on the way 'out'. Internet and technology have quickly changed the way we get our news and also challenged the industry. I work for a company that distributes and publishes books & magazines, so I see everyday how the industry is being stretched.

I'll admit that I use the 'latest & greatest' methods of communication all the time. Each day I get an email with the headlines of the day from my local paper. I can click on each headline and read the news for free online. Why spend $0.75-$2.00 for a newspaper? Several times a day I click on Kentucky Sports Radio ( to get my fill of both Kentucky Basketball & Football. Then I can go to for any national sports news and scores I desire. To top all this I can now use my smart phone to get national news (or anything else for that matter) through a variety of choices of applications. My favorites are the USA Today and Huffington Post apps.

However, over the last several weeks I have become quite fond of being able to hold a paper publication in my two hands. There is no password to enter, no updates to download, as I recently subscribed to Newsweek and Sports Illustrated magazines. I haven't quite figured out if I am feeling like a little-kid or if I feel like a grown-up, but I'm REALLY enjoying both magazines. The journalism is well-written and every article fascinates me.
I'm already planning to renew my subscription 11 months early!

Have you taken a break from reading a newspaper or magazine these last couple of years? If so, give it another shot. I'm loving it!

Follow me on Twitter - @cteesdale

Jason Mraz w/ Toca Rivera - "I Won't Give Up"

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Eight years

Today is the 8th Wedding Anniversary for my wife (Teri) and I. After being 4600 miles apart the past couple of anniversaries, it's going to be wonderful just to spend the day together. Our extra bonus this year is that we are on vacation in Hawaii, and that we are with our TWO children.

We are planning to take a drive around the island of Oahu tomorrow, which is what we also did on our last anniversary we spent together. We will also probably get a little time together on the beach and then save our night out for when we get back to Lexington. There is no other way that I'd rather celebrate my anniversary with the love of my life.

Just a quick sidestep - Tomorrow will be 9 years since I proposed to Teri on the beach in Siesta Key, FL. Thanks to the assistance of my best friend Joe, that evening was one of the best of my life. (I'm sure Teri would say the same.)

Thinking back 8 years ago, I am very fond of our wedding rehearsal & dinner. Rehearsal was a breeze and lots of fun! We shared that evening with an enormous amount of family and friends. Dinner was at the church and everyone sat in a giant square. I still get goose bumps thinking about how much I enjoyed going around the room and introducing each person, one-by-one, to the entire group. We have a video (thanks to Michael Rintamaa & Steven Page) of the rehearsal evening that we get a kick out of watching each year.

Our wedding day was perfect. 60 degree weather in Lexington. I had lunch with some family & friends at Cheddars, where we watched the entire UK (#8) vs UNC (#9) basketball game that afternoon. Kentucky won of course! Then we got to the church and I had the "History of Kentucky Basketball" dvd playing in the grooms room to pass the time before the ceremony. Most of my groomsmen went to UofL with me for college, and to this day I'm grateful for them putting up with me for this.

At 5:30pm the most beautiful bride in the history of the world walked down the aisle (at the church I grew up in) and said "I do." The ceremony was beautiful. Great music, very intimate, and filled with an overwhelming amount of loved ones. Our reception followed at the Campbell House and we had an absolute blast! We surprised many by secretly taking dance lessons prior to our wedding, to make the most out of our first dance. (Tim McGraw's "My Best Friend") Teri & I even made a late-night run to McDonalds to fill our stomachs after spending much of our reception socializing with our guests. The next morning we had breakfast with our families & then took off for a week in Gatlinburg on our honeymoon.

My love for Teri continues to grow each day, and I'm so blessed to have her as my wife, best friend & soul mate. Every single day I thank God that she loves me, and that she is the mother of my children. Thank you Teri for giving me the best 8 years of my life, and I'm looking forward to the many more to come.

Tim McGraw - "My Best Friend"

Monday, January 2, 2012

Musical Blessings

Music that touches the lives of others is a blessing. When that music is written to share a personal story of one's faith, it can be awe inspiring.

Read this story about such music written by Matt Hammitt, the lead singer of the band Sanctus Real. CLICK HERE!

Matt Hammitt - "All of Me"

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Year!

The New Year has arrived. Despite 2011 being one of the worst in our country's history, for myself it was one of the best! Family & friends are healthy, including me. Everything at my job at HDA Merchandising (and at with the music ministries at church) has been great! The highlight of the year came this past August when we welcomed our son, Ellis, into the world. So I have no complaints, nor do I intend to look back at the year that was any more.

2012 is here. My daughter Lorelei will start kindergarten in the fall. Several friends (Kerri, Amanda, Lauren) are getting married. I've got an entire year of Payed Time-Off to plan vacations. (Disney World may be in our family's near future!) The Kentucky Wildcats basketball team is going to be lots of fun to watch as they head towards #8. Lots of excitement!!

I waited until yesterday to start thinking about New Year's Resolutions. Last year, I didn't even consider one thing, so I'm ahead of the game. Here is my Final 4-part plan:

1.) Blog - I am going to write on here more often. I'll aim to vary the topics as best I can. Hopefully I'll gain more readers too.

2.) Fast Food - I have a tendancy to eat fast food WAY to much, especially when I'm on the road. Too many burgers & fries were consumed in 2011. I can do better! And I will!

3.) Exercise - I know, I know. Everyone says this one. Well I can't do any worse than I did in 2011. So I plan to walk more often around the neighborhood at least. Anything else will be a bonus!

4.) Twitter - I have been tweeting for probably about a year, but with all the changes to Facebook in 2011, I have grown to like Twitter even more. So photos will go to Facebook. Links will be shared often. Status updates will continue to show up as I please. But Twitter is going to be my thing. Follow me @cteesdale.

Happy New Year and blessing for a joyous 2012 that is full of peace & love.

Jamie Cullum - "If I Ruled the World"