Sunrise at Lanikai Beach

Sunrise at Lanikai Beach

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Year!

The New Year has arrived. Despite 2011 being one of the worst in our country's history, for myself it was one of the best! Family & friends are healthy, including me. Everything at my job at HDA Merchandising (and at with the music ministries at church) has been great! The highlight of the year came this past August when we welcomed our son, Ellis, into the world. So I have no complaints, nor do I intend to look back at the year that was any more.

2012 is here. My daughter Lorelei will start kindergarten in the fall. Several friends (Kerri, Amanda, Lauren) are getting married. I've got an entire year of Payed Time-Off to plan vacations. (Disney World may be in our family's near future!) The Kentucky Wildcats basketball team is going to be lots of fun to watch as they head towards #8. Lots of excitement!!

I waited until yesterday to start thinking about New Year's Resolutions. Last year, I didn't even consider one thing, so I'm ahead of the game. Here is my Final 4-part plan:

1.) Blog - I am going to write on here more often. I'll aim to vary the topics as best I can. Hopefully I'll gain more readers too.

2.) Fast Food - I have a tendancy to eat fast food WAY to much, especially when I'm on the road. Too many burgers & fries were consumed in 2011. I can do better! And I will!

3.) Exercise - I know, I know. Everyone says this one. Well I can't do any worse than I did in 2011. So I plan to walk more often around the neighborhood at least. Anything else will be a bonus!

4.) Twitter - I have been tweeting for probably about a year, but with all the changes to Facebook in 2011, I have grown to like Twitter even more. So photos will go to Facebook. Links will be shared often. Status updates will continue to show up as I please. But Twitter is going to be my thing. Follow me @cteesdale.

Happy New Year and blessing for a joyous 2012 that is full of peace & love.

Jamie Cullum - "If I Ruled the World"

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