Sunrise at Lanikai Beach

Sunrise at Lanikai Beach

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Drumming Out Fat

"One hour later, you are feeling fabulous. You feel like a rock star. It's challenging, it's exhilarating and you just have a euphoric feeling when you are done drumming. It's something everyone can do."

I've had this thought thousands of times, but never thought of it quite this way. For me it was the days of playing in drumline during high school & college. I always loved drumming "Eights" outside early in the morning during band camp or contest/game days.

Now I have been trying to discover the will to go to a gym regularly and I think I might have found it now. The best of both worlds! Aerobics & Drums!
Burning 400 calories in an hour! What I really like about this is it's great for all ages. Move over Zumba.

Learn about "Drums Alive" & "Beat the Odds" - CLICK HERE

The Most Basic Drum Exercise I Know - "EIGHTS"

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