Sunrise at Lanikai Beach

Sunrise at Lanikai Beach

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Today's "West Wing" Politics

"I think at this time of year, people look back to 'The West Wing,' because we would like to see that kind of idealized government, and those kind of leaders. And honestly, I think, behind closed doors, our real leaders are more similar to 'The West Wing' people than not."

My favorite tv show of all time is 'The West Wing.' Because 2012 is a presidential election year, I know it won't be long before I will want to go watch a bunch of episodes from all 7 seasons I have on dvd. (I'll be starting with seasons 1 & 7!) My favorite character in 'The West Wing' is speech writer Sam Seaborn, who is portrayed by actor Rob Lowe. I don't plan to ever be a politician, but who knows. If I did though I would want to be as eloquently spoken and creative as Sam Seaborn.

Rob Lowe is very active & vocal in politics, and I love when he makes references to 'The West Wing.' So I couldn't pass up the opportunity to share this article from the Huffington Post:

Rob Lowe On 'The West Wing,' Obama & Politics - CLICK HERE!!

Be sure to follow me on Twitter @cteesdale

Ben Sollee - "A Few Honest Words"

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