Sunrise at Lanikai Beach

Sunrise at Lanikai Beach

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Walk and Talk

It's been 5 months since I last made a blog post. Wow, how the time flies! For me things have never been better and I'll have to play some catch up over the next few weeks. For most of my evenings these last 5 months I've been at church, working on something for church, or catching up on my "real-job" before going to bed. Now things have calmed down just enough for me to resume writing my random thoughts here. So best of luck, I'm counting on you!

This week I decided to look back at my post from January 1st. I listed 4 New Year's Resolutions. I've done really well keeping up with 2 of these! I have significantly reduced the amount of fast food (burgers & fries) I inhale. Yea me! And as for my resolution of making Twitter "my thing" - I have been a Twitter phenom! (Follow me: @cteesdale) WARNING: My commentary during Kentucky basketball games is intense!

Now, I'll be the first to admit that I have been slacking on 2 of my resolutions. But hey, it's May! Summer is almost here, and I'm going to kick these both into gear right now! I said I would blog more often than in here we are. I'm not going to post daily but I'm going to aim at twice a week. Deal? The fourth and final resolution I made for 2012 was to exercise more. I did openly admit on January 1st that this resolution would be the least likely to take place. But with the help of a small little mental breakthrough last weekend, I've become motivated enough to take control of this resolution!

This week I've been walking 30 minutes a day. So far so good! My Olympic Stadium (otherwise known as Hartland Park) has been peaceful and inspiring these first few days. I'm having fun with it and looking forward to meeting my personal goals I've set out for. Unlike, many of my friends (Steven Page, Shana Page, Chad Snellgrove, and others) I will not - I repeat - will NOT be running a marathon any time soon. However, I am going to get into shape - one way or another. Just a heads up - You'll see lots of "Walk & Talk" these next couple of weeks. Hopefully the actors of my favorite tv show will make a reunion video called "Jog & Talk" for the month of June to give me that extra push for the summer heat.

(Disclaimer: This video was not my mental breakthrough from last weekend, but a fun discovery to go along with week thus far!)

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