Sunrise at Lanikai Beach

Sunrise at Lanikai Beach

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Yesterday was absolutely one of those days that I will remember for a long, long time. I don't plan to often blog with a run down of my day, but this one was too good to pass up! So without getting into all the minute-by-minute details, I'll share the highlights, in case you missed it on "TeesdaleCenter/Facebook" tonight.

It was a day of firsts..

I had the honor of playing marimba for an event with a local organization called "Mother-to-Mother." It was a unique experience for me, playing for a room full of women/mothers. There was laughter as we talked about Social Networking, and there was even a few tears as we remembered moms & others who are no longer with us. I had some friends in the room, and I made new ones. And of course the lunch was delicious!

In the middle of the event, my wife Teri, starting calling me a bunch on my cell. She actually called me 22 times (remember that number - it's going to be important later) within a 55 minute span. Now, Teri & I have an agreement that if there are consecutive calls from the other, it's an emergency and no matter what the other person needs to pick up the phone. I guess I blew that agreement, and thankfully Teri eventually left me voicemail to fill me in.

Her and Lorelei attended the annual St. Joseph East Hospital Maternity Fair. And it turns out that we won the GRAND PRIZE raffle drawing of the day! 22 businesses made a donation to this prize, that still leaves Teri & I both in awe. What a shock this was for us! Just a few days ago we were finalizing lists of the things we need before our newest addition to the family comes in August. And now POOF!, we have what we need & more. So unexpected! So appreciated! So much joy and relief! Ellis is already one blessed little boy.

Next came a very big part of the day. Our 4 yr old daughter, Lorelei, had her very first Dance Recital. I'm going to be brutually honest with you..... she was a ROCK STAR!!!! It was a proud moment for us and my parents who witnessed Lorelei share this God-given talent with us and everyone else in Transy's Haggin Auditorium. Lorelei knew the entire routine, and was super-cute while executing the dance routine. I defintely had the proud-daddy grin on all evening, despite that fact that I somehow managed to lock my parents keys in their car & in the ignition. WHO DOES THAT ANYWAY?

What a day this was. In the evening, despite being exhausted - I honestly didn't want it to end. So what did we do? On our way home we decided to buy a Powerball Lottery Ticket. (MY FIRST!) And guess what.... WE WON! A mind-boggling SEVEN DOLLARS!!!!

"How do you like them apples?" ~ line from my favorite movie, Good Will Hunting.

A day that began with me playing marimba for a room of loving mothers and Teri winning a bunch of baby/pregnancy gear, ended with a day of proud parents deciding to play the lottery for the first time. AWESOME! What a day of blessings...

MUSICAL SUGGESTION - "Blessings" by Laura Story