Sunrise at Lanikai Beach

Sunrise at Lanikai Beach

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Children: Part Deux

In about three months, Teri & I will be welcoming a baby boy into the world. It goes without saying, but we are so excited & eagerly awaiting his arrival. Just in case, you've missed the "Facebook Offical" announcements, our son's name will be Ellis Hartzell. The name 'Ellis' was our favorite boys name when we were pregnant with Lorelei. So it was an easy choice this time around. The name 'Hartzell' is actually my middle name, and there was never any chance of going with something else. 'Hartzell' was my grandfather's middle name (George Hartzell Teesdale), and that name was given to him in honor of the doctor (his last name) who delivered him in 1917. I take great pride in my name, and every single day I keep my grandfather in the back of my mind, in hopes that I can touch as many people's lives as he did. Now I look forward to witnessing Ellis do the same.

Over the weekend we made some major adjustments inside our home. The room that has been my office for the past 2 1/2 years is going to be Ellis' room. So I moved the office into mine & Teri's bedroom. CHECK, IT'S DONE!! Now the focus will shift to getting Ellis' room ready. Over the next few weeks I'll be putting the rocking chair & crib back together (both of which have been in pieces for a couple of years). In fact, we made sure to hunt down the owner's manual for both today, just in case I decide to use them!

The other major baby activity for the week was completing some registering. We took two evening this past week are now registered at both BUY BUY BABY and BABIES R US. Holy Cow! This is MUCH easier the second time around!! We know what we need, we know what we like, and we know what we will get no use out of! 4 1/2 years ago it was like Christmas for us. This time it was focused and efficient, even with our 4-year old, Lorelei, acting like it was her Christmas. She led us around asking for us to scan EVERYTHING that caught her eye. HA! Toys, sippie-cups, and stuffed animals for her. Spoons, gas drops, and boppy covers for Teri. I thoroughly enjoyed watching both of my girls in action!

As I felt some of Ellis' kicks tonight from Teri's stomach, I noticed that the 'Proud Dad' moments have already doubled. "Children: Part Deux" is in full swing at the Teesdale house! Precious moments, endless stories, and probably a few blogs here & there. I'm going to be making sure I enjoy every moment of it, while having faith, just like a child.

MUSICAL SUGGESTION: "Faith Like A Child" by Jars of Clay

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