Sunrise at Lanikai Beach

Sunrise at Lanikai Beach

Saturday, May 28, 2011

What do I do?

Earlier this week someone asked me where I work, and I actually didn't have a short & perfect answer to share. (How weird is that?) I glanced over at another friend sitting next to me and said with a chuckle, "What do I do?" He answered with a quick and obvious answer, "You sell books!" I liked that simple explanation. So I looked at the person who asked me where I worked, and without hesitation I answered with "I sell books."

Since that day I've been thinking about how ridiculous I must have looked with my answer. So I decided to write a blog about what I actually do. In hopes that next time I will just refer inquries to this blog! Hopefully this will eliminate the confusion that even some of my close friends still have to this day.

"I work as a District Manager for HDA Merchandising."

Does this answer the question? I didn't think so!!!

HDA Merchandising is a division of Home Design Alternatives INC. The company is a publisher, distributor, and merchandising service provider based out of St. Louis, MO. Want more? Visit
In my division we service retail accounts all over the United States (even some in Canada) such as Lowes Home Improvement, Dollar General, Michaels, Menards, and others. In my job I manage 55 merchandisers and I am responsible for around 600 stores. My district that covers parts of Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, Ohio, and Indiana. DEEP BREATH....

Take a look:


My merchandisers service books & magazines in the accounts within my district. I spend most of my time on administrative work, hiring new merchandisers, monitoring & developing staff, and auditing the stores we service. The best part of the job is that my office is based out of my home. I am also fortunate to work for a great boss! I am really grateful for this company which I am a part of. One thing I always tell folks, is that even though our company is nationwide and pretty large, for me it actually has the feeling of a small company.

Okay so that's primarily "what I do." But in addition to my work with HDA Merchandising, I also do a few other things. As a musician I am often playing or teaching music somewhere. I am a free-lance percussionist and perform on the marimba at church worship services, weddings, or whatever comes along. I also play percussion in a band named 'Corduroy Sedan'. Look us up on Facebook! You'll also find me in various places working with high school marching bands or indoor drumlines. I've taught at several programs in KY, and right now I am searching for a position as a Percussion Consultant with a high school band. Additionally, I am busy at my church (Central Christian Church-Disciples of Christ) as Director of the Handbell Choir & Praise Band, orgaziner of a worship service that just started in 2011, a sound engineer for weddings, and a host for events.

I absolutely love everything I am doing, and when you throw in the wonderful life of being a father, husband, and's all "what I do."

Now you know the answer! I bet you never thought I would have so much to say.

MUSICAL SUGGESTION: "So Much To Say" by Dave Matthews Band

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