Sunrise at Lanikai Beach

Sunrise at Lanikai Beach

Saturday, May 14, 2011

"The Fridays"

Have you ever had a case of "The Fridays"?  I'm going to go out-on-a-limb and say that my Fridays tend to be a little different than most people who work a Mon-Fri job.  Fridays for me are long & stressful!  Now don't assume where I'm going with this - I love my job!  I work for a great company and I am fortunate to have a wonderful boss.  Fridays are just the one day of the week where things get really crazy. Weekly deadlines to meet. Preparations for the next week. Conference Calls. And keeping 50+ part-time employees in the loop & on task by composing a weekly email newsletter. Sometimes I'll even use Thursday night as a way to get a head-start on Friday, which is unfortunately why I missed a bunch of church choir rehearsals this year. I never seem to get everything on my To-Do List completed on Fridays.

Tonight, on this Friday evening, I've seriously starting to ponder how I might make next Friday better. Maybe I need to prepare earlier in the week? Or should I find something to do mid-day to ease the stress of a typical Friday workload? Who knows what I'll come up with! It's on my To-Do list for Monday. There is no doubt that Friday has worn me down recently. And today you won't hear me saying TGIF because its a Friday. Instead, I will use the acronym (that reminds many of us of Steve Urkel) because tomorrow will be Saturday! And everything will be fine!

MUSICAL SUGGESTION: "Details in the Fabric" by Jason Mraz

(I just discovered this song a couple of weeks ago on what was a stressful Friday where I decided to enjoy some music on the ole' Ipod most of the day. It's defintely a song that can touch everyone in some way or another. I listened to it a handful of times today to get through this Friday, and am better for it. It's quickly moved me in multiple ways, and I hope it reaches you as well. Enjoy and "go your own way!")

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