Sunrise at Lanikai Beach

Sunrise at Lanikai Beach

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Testimony for Wellspring - Nov. 27, 2011

Last weekend I read an article in the Faith & Values section of the Lexington Herald-Leader titled, “Many Christians turn a deaf ear to Contemporary Christian Music (CCM).” This article was basically stating that a very small amount of Christians exclusively listen to music similar to what we are singing here today at Wellspring.

What grabbed my attention the most, was not the writer’s commentary, but rather the remarks made by local church leaders, as either quotes within the article or comments submitted online in response to the article.

A local Disciples minister and ecumenical leader shared that they felt most CCM is “musically sappy and theologically thin” and that “it doesn't inspire, doesn't induce awe and wonder, and doesn't teach.”

A Music Director of another downtown congregation said they “found that much of the CCM was more suited for watching or listening to, instead of “congregational singing.”

My first thought, was WOW! we need to invite these folks to Wellspring. (Don’t you think?) Today is only our 7th gathering as a community of faith at Wellspring. As one of the lay leaders who plan these monthly worship experiences, I will say that we are very intentional in choosing the songs and every other aspect of the worship. We want you to feel inspired, we want you to be in awe and in wonder, and we want the words you sing and hear - to teach you.

A 15th century French mathematician, Blaise Pascal, observed that “the people who have the greatest influence in shaping the hearts and minds of any generation are not the folks who write the laws, but those who write the songs.”

As musicians for this worship experience, myself and the entire Wellspring Band are not here for you to watch or listen to. We are here to lead you in singing songs of praise as “you” worship. It’s not about us. I think songwriter, Matt Redman, says it best that “Worship can never be a performance, but an overflow of your heart.”

Our desire is that you discover that the music draws you closer to God and that you feel God’s hope, God’s peace, God’s joy, and God’s love as you sing.

Those of you who know me, primarily associate me with either music, or my family. I am a fourth-generation member of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). I was born & raised here at Central. My grandmother is a retired, ordained minister. My grandfather taught Sunday School here at Central, and was on staff as a custodian, both here and at Transylvania University. My mother grew up here. And now my wife, Teri and I are raising our 2 children here. Central defines who I am as a person. I love singing the bass parts of the hymns each Sunday morning. Next week you’ll see me singing with the Chancel Choir on “The Messiah.”

CCM is relatively new to me. Growing up at Central I was not around it much and it wasn’t until I was in college that I began to listen to songs from that genre. About 10 years ago I started getting opportunities to lead music at church camps and other youth gatherings throughout Kentucky. These experiences introduced me to the music, and gradually the more I listened, the more the music really impacted me. In fact, I would say it has shaped my faith more than anything else.

I travel by car a lot for my job, and I’m definitely one of those guys you will see cruising down the Bluegrass Parkway, singing and drumming my heart out. Most of the time, I’m listening to the music that we are singing here at Wellspring, or a favorite CCM artist of mine. What makes those moments so great for me is that before long I realize that I’m in worship. Right there. Alone in my car. Just God and I. As I sing songs of prayer and thanksgiving. And it never fails, that the words and melodies of those songs always leave me in awe and wonder of my relationship with God.

CCM can also nurture our life in difficult times. Before giving birth to our first child, we had a miscarriage with our first pregnancy. We had lots of questions. And we received no answers. Our faith was being tested, and we were losing hope. A few days later we went to a concert by CCM artist Mark Schultz. In the middle of the concert he performed his song “He Will Carry Me.” This was a song neither of us had heard, and before he even reached the second verse - we were both in tears. It was like our prayers were being answered, as this song gave us the inspiration we needed to get through those difficult days. Here are those opening words that touched our lives:

“I call, you hear me.
I’ve lost it all, and it’s more than I can bear.
I feel so empty.
You’re strong, I’m weary.
I’m holding on, but I feel like giving in.
But still You’re with me.
And even though I’m walking through,
The valley of the shadow.
I will hold tight to the hand of Him,
Whose love will comfort me.
And when all hope is gone,
and I’ve been wounded in the battle
He is all the strength that I will ever need,
And He will carry me.”

Whether you enjoy CCM, or not, I simply invite you to be vulnerable to the blessings that do exist in these songs. Be ready to listen, even as you sing as a congregation, because God is speaking through them. Mark Schultz. George Frideric Handel. These are two of many musicians that have shared God’s word in their music compositions. Open your ears. Open your mind. Open your heart.

I leave you with words written by Mark Schultz, which are part of the Soundtrack of My Faith:

“Live with the wonder of a child. Pray with your arms thrown open wide.
Love with a love that knows no end. Until I see you again.”

Friday, July 15, 2011

Top Twelves of Summer - Part 2 (Movies)

Earlier in the week I posted by Top Twelve Drum Corps shows, as I reflected on what best represents summer for me. Going with that theme here is the 2nd installment of my Top Twelves.

Every summer is known for its' blockbuster movies. Today is that day for 2011 as the final Harry Potter movie just began midnight showings on opening night. I still remember standing in line for the opening of the movie "Independance Day" starring Will Smith, in July of 1996. My best friend, Joe, and I were the FIRST in line at the new Lexington Green Cinemas to see the blockbuster that year. Not sure that will ever happen again for me!

Here are my favorite 12 movies with some short excerpts included for your viewing pleasure.

For those of you that are young at heart, scroll all the way down and find my 4 year old daughter's Top Twelve Movies!

1. Good Will Hunting

2. Thirteen Days

3. Mr. Holland's Opus

4. Jerry Maguire

5. Bourne Identity/Supremacy/Ultimatum

6. Runaway Jury

7. Rent

8. Top Gun

9. Radio

10. Pursuit of Happiness

11. Changing Lanes

12. Green Mile


1. Hercules
2. Sleeping Beauty
3. Princess and the Frog
4. Little Mermaid
5. Toy Story 1, 2 & 3
6. Tangled
7. Cars
8. Horton Hear's a Who!
9. Lilo & Stitch
10. Lion King
11. Finding Nemo
12. Pochahontas

Monday, July 11, 2011

Top Twelves of Summer - Part 1 (Drum Corps)

It's been about a month since I last posted a blog. I've had several ideas of what to write about, but actually finding the time to sit down and piece a blog together has been difficult.

Summer is in full swing for us all. Trips to swimming pools, firework celebrations, going to view the latest blockbuster movie hit, cookouts in the backyard with friends & family, and of course vacations to our favorite travel destinations. These are the things that usually define summertime.

But for me it never actually feels like summer until I get the opportunity to experience drum corps. Luckily I finally got my "drum corps fix" the past two days - as the Carolina Crown Drum & Bugle Corps has been rehearsing about 30 minutes away at Eastern Kentucky Unversity. I've spent my last two evenings watching them rehearse and literally "getting my face blown off!" and LOVING IT!

Most everyone who knows me (especially those of you taking the time to read this blog) will defintely know what Drum Corps International is all about. However, if you don't know much about it, just send me a message on facebook and I'll explain more. Or you can check out:

Now, thanks to these last two amazing nights I gained some inspiration and have decided to begin a series of blogs that share my "Top Twelves of Summer." And so keeping with drum & bugle corps, here is my Top Twelve Favorite Drum Corps shows of my time. Enjoy!

1. Blue Devils - 1998

2. Phantom Regiment - 1996

3. Blue Devils - 2007

4. Madison Scouts - 1999

5. Phantom Regiment - 2003

6. Blue Devils - 2003

7. Phantom Regiment - 2010

8. The Cavaliers - 2003

9. The Cadets 2000

10. Phantom Regiment - 2008

11. The Cavaliers - 2002

12. Santa Clara Vanguard - 2009

Thursday, June 16, 2011

"Thats My Boy!"

I'm a proud dad tonight! My boy is already taking after me and he's not even been born. Teri and I went to "Baby Belly" tonight in order to get a glimpse of our baby boy, Ellis. We had a 4-D ultrasound that we received as part of the Grand Prize from the St. Joseph East Maternity Fair. A 4-D ultrasound is basically a colored video showing us what he is up to inside Teri's stomach. Well... apparently Ellis had his own plans for this evening. We spent 30 minutes with the ultrasound technician, as she tried to wake Ellis up. Yes, that's right my boy was sound asleep and he didn't budge. The sugar rush wore off and he crashed!

Now my personal guess is that normally a baby sleeping wouldn't be much of an issue with ultrasounds, but apparently when Ellis sleeps both of his hands cover his entire face. So we couldn't get a clear look at his handsome face tonight. We did however get some peaks and measurements, and this is where the proud dad moments kicked into gear!

Through this viewing at the greatness of the Teesdale & Beard family genes, we learned that this boy can sleep. The ultrasound technician tried every trick in the book to wake him up and it didn't work. Sound familar mom? Just like his dad! We took this as good news, considering Lorelei has always been a light sleeper.

Despite Ellis' hands hiding his face we did get a sneak-peek at his nose a couple of times. The poor boy looks like he is going to have a nose like his father. We also learned that his legs and his head are both measuring two weeks ahead, which means he has long legs and a big head. Just like his dad! Ellis even took a moment tonight to show us that he has some hair on that big head of his. All the other measurements (including weight and the heart beat) were right on. He weighs 3 lbs 7 oz, and for those of you who may be wondering...the proof that he is a boy is still defintely intact! "That's My Boy!

Since we didn't get the best of luck tonight with the 4D ultrasound we rescheduled the visit for next week, and luckily Teri was still able to keep her hour-long massage for tonight.

To catch you up on where we are with this pregnancy; the due date is September 2, so we are 11 weeks away. Teri has had the beautiful pregnancy glow for about 2 weeks! I have done my honey-do list of moving my office/practice room into our bedroom. The crib & rocking chair are both put together. And the decision has even been made on which Kentucky Basketball poster will go up in his room. So we are ready, right? Well if we needed to be I guess you could say so. We can wait a little longer though. I'm really enjoying this gift of having a second child. My anxiety is nowhere near where it was with Lorelei, and I'm just soaking up the whole experience until he arrives and I look at him face-to-face and say "That's My Boy!"

MUSICAL SUGGESTION: "Lullaby" by Andra Moran

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

"God Moments"

A couple of Sundays ago, Chad Snellgrove, the Minister of Children & Youth at my church, preached and he challenged us to think about our "God Moments." He also stressed the importanance of sharing those stories with others in our faith community. I've been reflecting on my "God Moments" and how they affected my life. So today I thought a blog would be a good place to tell my story....

The Winds of Heaven have danced with me on several occasions. Some came when I was seeking to experience a "God Moment." Others surprised me and showed up when I least expected it. I have encountered the Spirit in quiet and loud enviroments. I've been drawn closer to God in solidarity and within a crowd. I have felt the divine presence in bright light, but also in darkness.

Here are some of my "God Moments":

Within the last year I've noticed that nature is playing a big role in my faith journey. Recently I felt a moment of inspiration when I visited the Smokey Mountain National Park in Tennessee. I discovered a trail I had never walked, and within two minutes came across one of the most beautiful scenes. This "God Moment" was unexpected, but a much needed pull to bring me closer to God amongst the busy and hectic days life brings. It was a good chance to take a breath and reminded me to soak everything in.

Last fall I was driving on the Western Kentucky Parkway on my way to Paducah for a few days of teaching with the Reidland Marching Band. Just a few days before this I was approached about helping create a new worship experience at church, and I unexpectedly had a "God Moment" while literally 'blasting' a Chris Tomlin album on the car stereo. The words and music grabbed me and filled my soul with an uncontrollable energy that called me to put all I had into this new worship experience. I wasn't seeking this "God Moment" but it took over that drive and probably the entire weekend of teaching. I remember lifting my hands in praise during that car ride.

MUSICAL SUGGESTION: "Indescribable" by Chris Tomlin

Last summer while visiting family in Hawaii, I made a point of taking some time to myself a few mornings. I was looking for answers to help me through several questions that were filling up my mind at the time. I was able to find what I was looking for and so much more. I was overwhelmed with the beauty set before my eyes, and I experienced an inner peace that was welcomed and much needed in within these "God Moments." I read scripture and listened closely to God's never ending world that tugging on me softly and tenderly.

Being heavily involved in the life of my church has blessed me with numerous "God Moments." Thursday night choir rehearsals are always a worship all by themselves. Witnessing the growing faith of children within the congregation always fills my heart with a loving Spirit. And any time I get the opportunity to lead or play music I am blessed with the presence of a Spirit that consumes my being and hopefully reaches out to those within an ears reach. These are not moments I create at all, but God's Spirit at work through me.

This is the first week of Pentecost. On Sunday (two days ago) Christians commemorated the descent of the Holy Spirit upon Jesus' Disciples after his resurrection. The scripture text for Pentecost Sunday reminded me of the "God Moments" I have experienced, and has stayed with me the past two days. Here are those words from Acts 2. How do they resonate with you and your "God Moments?" Think about it and come back again tomorrow and read these words again. What new thoughts do you get? Will anything changed during that second or third time reading this?

When the Feast of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Without warning there was a sound like a strong wind, gale force—no one could tell where it came from. It filled the whole building. Then, like a wildfire, the Holy Spirit spread through their ranks, and they started speaking in a number of different languages as the Spirit prompted them.

There were many Jews staying in Jerusalem just then, devout pilgrims from all over the world. When they heard the sound, they came on the run. Then when they heard, one after another, their own mother tongues being spoken, they were thunderstruck. They couldn't for the life of them figure out what was going on, and kept saying, "Aren't these all Galileans? How come we're hearing them talk in our various mother tongues?

"They're speaking our languages, describing God's mighty works!" Their heads were spinning; they couldn't make head or tail of any of it. They talked back and forth, confused: "What's going on here?" Others joked, "They're drunk on cheap wine."

That's when Peter stood up and, backed by the other eleven, spoke out with bold urgency: "Fellow Jews, all of you who are visiting Jerusalem, listen carefully and get this story straight. These people aren't drunk as some of you suspect. They haven't had time to get drunk—it's only nine o'clock in the morning. This is what the prophet Joel announced would happen:

"In the Last Days," God says, "I will pour out my Spirit on every kind of people: Your sons will prophesy, also your daughters; Your young men will see visions, your old men dream dreams. When the time comes, I'll pour out my Spirit on those who serve me, men and women both, and they'll prophesy.
I'll set wonders in the sky above and signs on the earth below, blood and fire and billowing smoke, the sun turning black and the moon blood-red,
bfore the Day of the Lord arrives, the Day tremendous and marvelous;
and whoever calls out for help to me, God, will be saved."

I'm looking forward to hearing your "God Moments". If you want to grab a coffee or share a meal sometime to join me in the conversation, just let me know.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

What do I do?

Earlier this week someone asked me where I work, and I actually didn't have a short & perfect answer to share. (How weird is that?) I glanced over at another friend sitting next to me and said with a chuckle, "What do I do?" He answered with a quick and obvious answer, "You sell books!" I liked that simple explanation. So I looked at the person who asked me where I worked, and without hesitation I answered with "I sell books."

Since that day I've been thinking about how ridiculous I must have looked with my answer. So I decided to write a blog about what I actually do. In hopes that next time I will just refer inquries to this blog! Hopefully this will eliminate the confusion that even some of my close friends still have to this day.

"I work as a District Manager for HDA Merchandising."

Does this answer the question? I didn't think so!!!

HDA Merchandising is a division of Home Design Alternatives INC. The company is a publisher, distributor, and merchandising service provider based out of St. Louis, MO. Want more? Visit
In my division we service retail accounts all over the United States (even some in Canada) such as Lowes Home Improvement, Dollar General, Michaels, Menards, and others. In my job I manage 55 merchandisers and I am responsible for around 600 stores. My district that covers parts of Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, Ohio, and Indiana. DEEP BREATH....

Take a look:


My merchandisers service books & magazines in the accounts within my district. I spend most of my time on administrative work, hiring new merchandisers, monitoring & developing staff, and auditing the stores we service. The best part of the job is that my office is based out of my home. I am also fortunate to work for a great boss! I am really grateful for this company which I am a part of. One thing I always tell folks, is that even though our company is nationwide and pretty large, for me it actually has the feeling of a small company.

Okay so that's primarily "what I do." But in addition to my work with HDA Merchandising, I also do a few other things. As a musician I am often playing or teaching music somewhere. I am a free-lance percussionist and perform on the marimba at church worship services, weddings, or whatever comes along. I also play percussion in a band named 'Corduroy Sedan'. Look us up on Facebook! You'll also find me in various places working with high school marching bands or indoor drumlines. I've taught at several programs in KY, and right now I am searching for a position as a Percussion Consultant with a high school band. Additionally, I am busy at my church (Central Christian Church-Disciples of Christ) as Director of the Handbell Choir & Praise Band, orgaziner of a worship service that just started in 2011, a sound engineer for weddings, and a host for events.

I absolutely love everything I am doing, and when you throw in the wonderful life of being a father, husband, and's all "what I do."

Now you know the answer! I bet you never thought I would have so much to say.

MUSICAL SUGGESTION: "So Much To Say" by Dave Matthews Band

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Children: Part Deux

In about three months, Teri & I will be welcoming a baby boy into the world. It goes without saying, but we are so excited & eagerly awaiting his arrival. Just in case, you've missed the "Facebook Offical" announcements, our son's name will be Ellis Hartzell. The name 'Ellis' was our favorite boys name when we were pregnant with Lorelei. So it was an easy choice this time around. The name 'Hartzell' is actually my middle name, and there was never any chance of going with something else. 'Hartzell' was my grandfather's middle name (George Hartzell Teesdale), and that name was given to him in honor of the doctor (his last name) who delivered him in 1917. I take great pride in my name, and every single day I keep my grandfather in the back of my mind, in hopes that I can touch as many people's lives as he did. Now I look forward to witnessing Ellis do the same.

Over the weekend we made some major adjustments inside our home. The room that has been my office for the past 2 1/2 years is going to be Ellis' room. So I moved the office into mine & Teri's bedroom. CHECK, IT'S DONE!! Now the focus will shift to getting Ellis' room ready. Over the next few weeks I'll be putting the rocking chair & crib back together (both of which have been in pieces for a couple of years). In fact, we made sure to hunt down the owner's manual for both today, just in case I decide to use them!

The other major baby activity for the week was completing some registering. We took two evening this past week are now registered at both BUY BUY BABY and BABIES R US. Holy Cow! This is MUCH easier the second time around!! We know what we need, we know what we like, and we know what we will get no use out of! 4 1/2 years ago it was like Christmas for us. This time it was focused and efficient, even with our 4-year old, Lorelei, acting like it was her Christmas. She led us around asking for us to scan EVERYTHING that caught her eye. HA! Toys, sippie-cups, and stuffed animals for her. Spoons, gas drops, and boppy covers for Teri. I thoroughly enjoyed watching both of my girls in action!

As I felt some of Ellis' kicks tonight from Teri's stomach, I noticed that the 'Proud Dad' moments have already doubled. "Children: Part Deux" is in full swing at the Teesdale house! Precious moments, endless stories, and probably a few blogs here & there. I'm going to be making sure I enjoy every moment of it, while having faith, just like a child.

MUSICAL SUGGESTION: "Faith Like A Child" by Jars of Clay

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Yesterday was absolutely one of those days that I will remember for a long, long time. I don't plan to often blog with a run down of my day, but this one was too good to pass up! So without getting into all the minute-by-minute details, I'll share the highlights, in case you missed it on "TeesdaleCenter/Facebook" tonight.

It was a day of firsts..

I had the honor of playing marimba for an event with a local organization called "Mother-to-Mother." It was a unique experience for me, playing for a room full of women/mothers. There was laughter as we talked about Social Networking, and there was even a few tears as we remembered moms & others who are no longer with us. I had some friends in the room, and I made new ones. And of course the lunch was delicious!

In the middle of the event, my wife Teri, starting calling me a bunch on my cell. She actually called me 22 times (remember that number - it's going to be important later) within a 55 minute span. Now, Teri & I have an agreement that if there are consecutive calls from the other, it's an emergency and no matter what the other person needs to pick up the phone. I guess I blew that agreement, and thankfully Teri eventually left me voicemail to fill me in.

Her and Lorelei attended the annual St. Joseph East Hospital Maternity Fair. And it turns out that we won the GRAND PRIZE raffle drawing of the day! 22 businesses made a donation to this prize, that still leaves Teri & I both in awe. What a shock this was for us! Just a few days ago we were finalizing lists of the things we need before our newest addition to the family comes in August. And now POOF!, we have what we need & more. So unexpected! So appreciated! So much joy and relief! Ellis is already one blessed little boy.

Next came a very big part of the day. Our 4 yr old daughter, Lorelei, had her very first Dance Recital. I'm going to be brutually honest with you..... she was a ROCK STAR!!!! It was a proud moment for us and my parents who witnessed Lorelei share this God-given talent with us and everyone else in Transy's Haggin Auditorium. Lorelei knew the entire routine, and was super-cute while executing the dance routine. I defintely had the proud-daddy grin on all evening, despite that fact that I somehow managed to lock my parents keys in their car & in the ignition. WHO DOES THAT ANYWAY?

What a day this was. In the evening, despite being exhausted - I honestly didn't want it to end. So what did we do? On our way home we decided to buy a Powerball Lottery Ticket. (MY FIRST!) And guess what.... WE WON! A mind-boggling SEVEN DOLLARS!!!!

"How do you like them apples?" ~ line from my favorite movie, Good Will Hunting.

A day that began with me playing marimba for a room of loving mothers and Teri winning a bunch of baby/pregnancy gear, ended with a day of proud parents deciding to play the lottery for the first time. AWESOME! What a day of blessings...

MUSICAL SUGGESTION - "Blessings" by Laura Story

Saturday, May 14, 2011

"The Fridays"

Have you ever had a case of "The Fridays"?  I'm going to go out-on-a-limb and say that my Fridays tend to be a little different than most people who work a Mon-Fri job.  Fridays for me are long & stressful!  Now don't assume where I'm going with this - I love my job!  I work for a great company and I am fortunate to have a wonderful boss.  Fridays are just the one day of the week where things get really crazy. Weekly deadlines to meet. Preparations for the next week. Conference Calls. And keeping 50+ part-time employees in the loop & on task by composing a weekly email newsletter. Sometimes I'll even use Thursday night as a way to get a head-start on Friday, which is unfortunately why I missed a bunch of church choir rehearsals this year. I never seem to get everything on my To-Do List completed on Fridays.

Tonight, on this Friday evening, I've seriously starting to ponder how I might make next Friday better. Maybe I need to prepare earlier in the week? Or should I find something to do mid-day to ease the stress of a typical Friday workload? Who knows what I'll come up with! It's on my To-Do list for Monday. There is no doubt that Friday has worn me down recently. And today you won't hear me saying TGIF because its a Friday. Instead, I will use the acronym (that reminds many of us of Steve Urkel) because tomorrow will be Saturday! And everything will be fine!

MUSICAL SUGGESTION: "Details in the Fabric" by Jason Mraz

(I just discovered this song a couple of weeks ago on what was a stressful Friday where I decided to enjoy some music on the ole' Ipod most of the day. It's defintely a song that can touch everyone in some way or another. I listened to it a handful of times today to get through this Friday, and am better for it. It's quickly moved me in multiple ways, and I hope it reaches you as well. Enjoy and "go your own way!")

Monday, May 9, 2011

I Woke Up This Morning...

I Woke Up This Morning a few minutes after 7:00am and made the short 10 foot walk to my home office.  Typically on Monday mornings, I will fire up the computer and before I start working, I'll take a quick glance at Facebook to see what's new with my "799" friends.  Then I quickly checkout the Kentucky Sports Radio blog (which I'm addicted to!) and make sure there isn't any crazy news from overnight with my beloved Kentucky Wildcats basketball & football teams. was a little different. I'm not quite sure what inspired it, but I decided today was the day I needed to start writing a blog on a regular basis.  Did you know that there are websites that tell you the Do's & Don'ts of naming (let alone writing!) a blog?  I eagerly waited for this work day to end so I could start designing & writing on this crazy new adventure.

Life is busy. But my goal to start things out is to make a post 2 days a week.  If you are reading this right now, do you think you can handle that?  Lately, I've felt like I have a lot to say. And for those of you who know me well, probably know I don't keep things inside much.  I usually tell my closest friends WAY more than they probably want to know.  I like sharing stories about my life & usually won't think twice about sharing various thoughts I have on things. So I think this blog is going to be perfect for me.  I can not quite put my finger on what pushed me to take this leap today, but I'm really looking forward to it.

You'll probably ready a bunch of stories about my family.  With Teri & I having a 4 year old daughter & a newborn son coming this August, my family is obviously at the center of my life.  You can also count on seeing posts down the road that talk about my faith, my beliefs, and my wonderful church.  There is no doubt that family & the church define who I am today.  The third item I plan to include on a regular basis is a frequent tidbit about music. God put me on earth to share my faith & my talents through music, and so I am thinking about expressing that God-given gift within just about every post.  You might read some lyrics to a song that touched my heart.  Or hear a song via YouTube that I think is worth your time to check out. You should also know that I've always got a song in my head, and I may just post a link on the bottom of something I've written to make you suffer through a day of it instilled in your head also.  We'll see.....

To all you crazy people still reading this rant - I feel blessed to know it's worth your time.

This was the best recording I could find online!